Friday, August 24, 2012

Welcome Home Jeff!

Welcome back to the U.S. and to post-mission life, Jeff! Ethan saw the pictures on Uncle Neil and Aunt Lori's blog of everyone holding their signs. He was so excited that he wanted to take some of his own!

Hopefully Jeff is able to survive the whirlwind of activity to leave so soon for BYU

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Another Video

We got another cute video of Ethan tonight so we thought we'd share!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ethan Video

Ethan sure is growing up! He's 3 1/2 months old already! Here are a few recent pictures and a video

Friday, August 17, 2012

First Week and a Half

Is it bad that the first week and a half of medical school has felt like a month?

We start our first year with an 11-week block called Clinically Oriented Anatomy. This means that I am spending every waking minute studying anatomy! Well, almost every minute.

We go to the gross anatomy lab 4 days a week to do a dissection on our cadaver. I share a cadaver with 4 other "tank-mates" (Kristen thinks that this word is pretty funny. The cadavers are stored in a metal tank with formaldehyde and water so our assigned tank contains our cadaver. When it is closed, it looks like this
Don't worry, no dead bodies are visible!) The dissection part has been really interesting, but our professors also expect us to know a TON of stuff! We also have some lectures, mostly on embryology or microscopic stuff that we can't see on our cadaver. Even though we're basically only taking one class, I can guarantee that I am studying way more than I have ever studied.

We do have another class called Early Clinical Experience 1 where we learn basic doctoring skills like how to take a history and later on how to perform a physical exam. The time commitment for that class is much lower since that class is spread out over the whole year.

In the meantime, Kristen gets to take an even larger role in taking care of Ethan. He has been a lot more curious lately. He tracks things with his eyes, he gets scared by loud or unfamiliar noises (like the organ at church!), he likes staring at his hands while he moves them, and he has actually started to play a little bit with the rattles on his bouncer. He also loves to suck on his hand, especially his thumb.

Friday, August 3, 2012

White Coat Ceremony

We had our white coat ceremony for the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine Class of 2016 this afternoon!
Drs. Cobbs and Casanova putting the white coat on me. Dr. Casanova is an OB/GYN so that was appropriate for me!

Posing for a picture for the professional photographer down at the stage

Receiving a book as a gift

Reciting our Class oath

Leaving the stage

Our family afterward
The proceedings were similar to a shortened graduation ceremony. We had an invocation then the dean of the School of Medicine gave some remarks. We then went one at a time up on stage to have our white coat placed on us. I was the third-to-last out of our class of 150 since they went in alphabetical order. We paused for a picture, shook hands with the doctors who placed the coat on us, then went to pick up a book as a gift. The book is called "The Anatomy of a Kidnapping: A Doctor's Story" and was written by the dean of our medical school. He relates his story of being kidnapped out of his house in 2005 and eventually talking the criminal out of his intentions.

After we picked up our book, we went behind the curtain and had another picture taken alone. We lined up behind the stage and they opened the curtains. Dr. Cobbs led us in reading the class oath that we wrote as a class and we ended with a benediction.

Kristen and I didn't stay long afterward as Ethan was getting hungry, but we did ask someone to take a picture of us afterward.

Here's a news story that a local news channel did about the ceremony in case you want to see a video.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Smiley Baby

I thought some of you might like to see this cute picture of Ethan I snapped on my cell phone last night. He can be a happy baby when he's in the mood!

Orientation has gone fine so far. There have been some boring parts but on the whole it is going well. Tomorrow is the "white-coat ceremony" so that should be fun. Definitely thinking of Allie at this time.