Saturday, September 22, 2012


Last night, Ethan was laughing and laughing so we finally got a good video of him doing it!

And here are some pictures we took as well


Also, he rolled over for the first time last night! We were pretty excited. We knew that he was getting close but he was finally able to do it.

It has been busy here in Lubbock. Kristen took dinner to a family with a new baby. She also went to visit with some of the young moms in our ward. I had an anatomy test yesterday so my whole week was spent studying for that! Not really much else going on with us!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Reading a book and wiggling

Well it's the end of another week of class so I finally have time to post a picture and video.

It felt like this week went by super fast. I volunteered to take some of the med school interviewees on a tour today. It was kind of strange to be leading them on a tour since I just barely arrived myself! It went pretty well and we didn't get lost despite wandering all over the Health Sciences Center, Academic Classroom Building, UMC Hospital, new East Tower addition, and Medical Pavilion. Some day I'll actually get around to taking some pictures of the med school so everyone can see where I spend every waking hour!

Enough about me. Here's Ethan!
Ethan and his mommy reading a book together

Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day

Happy Labor Day!

I took a little break from studying this weekend. We had our first exam Friday so I felt like it was a good opportunity to relax. Friday night, we went to Five Guys for some burgers. That was Kristen's choice since we alternate picking for our Friday date night meals. On Saturday, we slept in then spent some time unpacking and organizing our apartment, including hanging some of our pictures. Kristen was sustained to her new calling as the Nursery Chorister on Sunday so she'll have lots of fun with that. We didn't even know that there was such a calling. There are so many little kids in our ward that they will be splitting up the nursery into 3 different groups! Kristen will get to go to each group to lead them in singing time. No word yet on where they want to stick me! I think that they should just call me as "Ethan's babysitter" since Kristen won't be able to watch him while she's leading children's songs!

Today, we killed the day by heading to Walmart to shop and make all sorts of valuable purchases. I'm sure Aunt Lana and Grandma Whiting would be proud of our lost wanderings through the store with the throngs of other Labor Day shoppers. They are remodeling it so everything is scattered around in no particular order.

Here are a few recent pictures of Ethan from my cell phone.
"My parents keep dressing me in pajamas that are way too little for me!"

Ethan is doing a lot better job at holding his head up!

In his carseat shopping at Walmart! I think he likes to look around while he's there. He is rarely fussy when we're at the store since he has so much to look at
We had a big thunderstorm last week here in Lubbock. It was pretty wild with torrents of rain, frequent flashes of lightning, and howling winds. I went out onto the landing to take a few pictures once it subsided. The busy 3-lane street in front of our house was reduced to 1 1/2 lanes on our side by the river of water. When I went to school the other day, at least 5 different windows in the Academic Classroom Building at the Health Sciences Center were broken out by the storm.
The river of water, making driving conditions pretty dangerous for the stretch of road with a speed limit of 45 mph. A few people were braking pretty hard once they hit it, but we didn't see any accidents

This is a flash of lightning in the distance. The lightning hit a house on the south end of Lubbock, starting a fire and killing one person.

The river of water from a different direction. The car lights are blurred because the exposure is really long.

This is just a random picture of the moon I took the other night. It was the day after the full moon but it was still pretty bright