Sunday, April 28, 2013

Helping with the laundry

Here are a few pictures of Ethan "helping out" with the laundry
Crawling into the laundry basket

Giving me a big smile

There's a little button on the dryer that makes a fun noise if you push it! (It's the sensor so the dryer knows if the door is shut or not)

Very proud of his accomplishments

Monday, April 1, 2013

Ethan enjoying his show!

Kristen got Ethan one of those Baby Einstein videos a little while ago, but unfortunately, our old DVD player (that I found at a bank-owned house while working at WSR!) wouldn't play the DVD for some reason. Kristen figured out that she could play it on her computer, so Ethan would watch it on there and he loved it!

We finally broke down and ordered a fancy new Bluray player as we discovered more and more movies that our DVD player wouldn't play. I hooked it up today and put on Ethan's show. I was eating lunch and Ethan was just sitting in front of the TV having a good old time watching it! Here's the video