Sunday, January 20, 2013

Christmas catch-up

Well I've been slacking off on uploading pics from Christmas so here are a bunch all at once! We had a great time at my parent's house for the holidays. We relaxed lots, played with Ethan, enjoyed wonderful homemade meals, spent time with friends, went over to dinner at Uncle Neil and Aunt Lori's house, went to the Crocker Art Museum, opened presents, watched movies, and goofed off for a couple weeks! It was great.
My favorite picture! Silly Ethan! He loves playing with his tongue

Ethan and his mommy

Ethan and Grandpa

More of Ethan and Grandpa. Apparently I didn't take any pictures of Mimi holding him because I didn't find any!

Investigating the Christmas tree

Opening a Christmas present
Playing with a present

My mom got Ethan this play thing for him to stand in and jump up and down. He liked it!

A dust storm in Lubbock from before we left. I haven't experienced one of these until now!

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